Our Family of companies

We offer a range of recycling, sustainability, and circular economy products, services, and solutions provided to clients through our diverse portfolio of in-house sustainability companies:

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Champions for GREEN

Sustainable Events, Apparel & Products

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Sustainable Furniture & Furnishings

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Campus & Community for Green

Campus and Community for GREEN brings sustainable leadership to school campuses and communities across the US

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Circular Express Box

We make the inconvenience of recycling a convenience

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Impac Environmental

We help retailers to implement Circular Economies, reducing their waste and cost while improving their economic, environmental, and social value.

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AvonRecycling Services


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Circular Economy Group

Re-think, re-design & re-implementwith circular economy solutions

our mission

At Geared for GREEN our mission is to deliver economic value by implementing sustainable and Circular Economy initiatives.

We aren’t your typical vendor next door providing traditional “linear” services. We think inside-outside-and-around the box, to help our clients to maximize their economic, environmental, strategic, and social value, that can be created through circular economy and sustainability.

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our mission

At Geared for GREEN our mission is to deliver economic value by implementing sustainable and Circular Economy initiatives.

We aren’t your typical vendor next door providing traditional "linear" services. We think inside-outside-and-around the box, to help our clients to maximize their economic, environmental, strategic, and social value, that can be created through circular economy and sustainability.


We work with many markets in order to maximize the value of a circular economy.

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Schools & Communities 

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848 Brickell Ave,
Suite 300
Miami, FL 33131

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Champions for GREEN

© 2023. Champions for Green